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Voter Information

The election for the Clerk of Superior Court in Fayette County is a significant event open to all registered voters in the county. Sheila Studdard, who has served with dedication and innovation as the Clerk of Courts, is running for re-election to continue her exemplary service to the community. In the upcoming election on May 21, 2024, all registered voters have the opportunity to show their support for Sheila Studdard.
While Sheila does not have primary opposition, every vote in the upcoming election on November 5, 2024, is crucial to determining her continued role as your Clerk of Superior Court. It is essential for all voters to validate their registration status and determine their voting location well in advance of the election. If you have any questions regarding your voter status or the voting process, do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.
Sheila Studdard humbly asks for your consideration and support in the upcoming election, emphasizing the importance of every vote in shaping the future of Fayette County's judicial system. Your participation in the electoral process is vital, and Sheila values each vote as a reflection of the community's trust and confidence in her continued leadership as Clerk of Superior Court.

Friends to Re-Elect Sheila Studdard
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